
Teacher as the spearhead of improving the quality of education should be taking the initiative to do the creations and innovations in learning . Thus, many alternatives learning methods are the learning activities. Fact at SMP Negeri 10 Jember, until now there has been teacher in the learning process can use a variety of methods to improve students’ learning. But expository method more often selected . Based on the description of research problem formulation is CTL approach can increase the activity of social studies. This type of research is classroom action research ( CAR). Subject of research class VIIIC Junior High School 10 Jember Academic Year 2010/2011. Results showed that students dominant activity was present observations in cooperative group ( 22.5 % ), discussion / question and answer between the teacher and the students ( 20 % ), and work in a cooperative group ( I5 % ). The dominant activity suggests that cooperative learning atmosphere in the group has been running. Conclution that : CTL approach can increase the activity of social studies subject ” Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia ” on class VIIIC at Junior High School 10 Jember Academic Year 2010/2011.


activity, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)


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